Olika typer av hästkrafter

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Olika typer av hästkrafter

Inläggav Göran.W 29 nov 2009 02:36

One mechanical horsepower of 550 foot-pounds per second is equivalent to 745.7 watts.
A metric horsepower of 75 kgf-m per second is equivalent to 735.499 watts.
A boiler horsepower is used for rating steam boilers and is equivalent to 34.5 pounds of water evaporated per hour at 212 degrees Fahrenheit, or 9,809.5 watts.
One horsepower for rating electric motors is equal to 746 watts.
Bergvärme är Livet! Men livet har inte gett mig annat än Luftvärmepumpar
Inlägg: 467
Blev medlem: 30 aug 2008 16:04
Ort: Tomelilla

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